Monday, June 1, 2020

To The Redeemed

To the Redeemed.

Heads talking.. always talking. Neighbors. Family. Friends. Devices on walls and in hands and in cars, always talking. Constant bombardment on ears and eyes and minds. Believe this. Do this. This is right. This is wrong. Be outraged. Be aggrieved. Feel this, feel that. This matters. Look here.. care about this.  Fear, feel, fight.  Rights. You deserve this.. you should have that.

Everyone knows the truth.. yet we find it so hard it agree.

But there is one thing that all of humanity seems to inately know..  WE DESERVE.

This deservedness inflames such feelings within us.. yes, Yes we do.  And to the untrained ear and unsaved heart, we understand this dillusion.. but to us who are called, to us who are saved,
to the redeemed...

Tell Him... Tell Him, oh citizen, of your rights.  Shout, scream, post... tell Him how much you deserve.  Tell Him of your right to freedom, your right of assembly, your right to bear arms, your right to worship.   Lift your filthy rags toward Heaven and let His all seeing, all knowing eyes behold, and see, and realize, how much you deserve.  How you deserve health and wealth and goodness.  How you deserve people in power who carry your christian agenda and champion you.  Tell Him how you deserve laws and judges to protect you and ensure you never have to suffer like your Lord.  Tell Him who had no place to lay His head how you deserve comfort and tranquility and ease.  Look to His stripes, to His side where blood and water flowed.. Look upon the slain and resurrected Perfect God and Perfect Man and tell Him all that you deserve. 

Tell Him.. Tell Him, oh wife... lament and mourn and groan.  Tell Him how the one He joined you to is not sufficient.  Tell Him how you deserve better.  Tell Him how you want constant doting and love and affection.  Tell Him how you want more support and more care and a deeper connection.  Put your apple down and lift up your hands and cry out about how hard this calling is.   Oh daughter of Eve.... forget about the angry and resentful words and thoughts and actions that have poured forth from you, and tell your Soveriegn Lord how you deserve better.  Let the unlovely cry to be loved.

Tell Him... Tell Him, oh husband.. tighten your fist and grit your teeth.  Tell Him of the constant dripping under your roof...tell Him of the disrespect.. the lack of appreciation.  Shake that fist towards heaven where One sits who reached out and healed the ear of His captor.. Tell Him how she is not enough.  Rage, son of Adam... Tell Him how you toil and work and sweat.. tell Him how you deserve peace and quiet and calm. 

Tell Him.. Tell Him oh child of God... Kick and scream at the hardships and trials He allows in your life.  Do not be silent before Him who was led like a Lamb to the slaughter..  Tell Him of all you deserve.  Hold up your thimble full of good works and show Him how you deserve a sea without waves, a path without thorns.  Search the farthest reaches of your soul and show Him the goodness that comes from your own humanity.  Nevermind all of the anger, wrath, disobedience, immorality, ungratefulness and deceit... You deserve better.  Look to The One who was crushed under the weight of your sin and tell Him of all the injustice you face.

And when you have finished. Repent..  For, Your Holy God, He sits in Heaven and does as He pleases. (ps 115:3) He works all things according to the counsel of His will. (Eph 1:11) 

Visions of the twenty-four elders casting down their crowns... day and night throwing their rewards down at the feet of Him who deserves it all.  Cherubim and Seraphim cover their eyes and cover their feet.. daring not to even look at this Holy Holy Holy God.  They have an understanding of Who deserves what.

"All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned every one, to His own way; And the Lord has layed on Him the iniquity of us all.  He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers in silent, So He opened not His mouth.  For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken." (Is 53:6-8)

How can we look to the cross, and to a Sinless Suffering Savior, saving our sinful selfish stinking selves... and still cry.. I DESERVE.  We cant.. when our eyes are fixed on Him we realize that He is ordering and allowing and working and all things are for our good and His glory. 

Turn off the talking boxes, and turn to Him and His word. Find peace and joy inexpressible in every situation and circumstance as long as you live.   There is not "my truth" and "your truth," there is His truth, and it is absolute.  Take a look at your rotting humanity and realize that all you really deserve is the everlasting burning wrath of God for eternity. And then, with this in mind, all the slight inconveniences we might face from day to day will be but tender mercies... drawing us closer to The Son.