Grace… what a precious gift! It
ends the endless struggle to produce good actions out of an evil heart. It ends the days full of unsuccessfully
trying to scrub ourselves clean as we sit in a pit brimming with miry
clay. Salvation isn’t just the turning
of a leaf.. it isn’t merely deciding to do better. Salvation is the dying of an old man it is
the raising up of a new life. Salvation
means a life full of new and different desires, a life marked by walking on a
wholly different path. “For He made Him
who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God
in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
I was drawn to think upon this as I rolled over in my mind a statement that was made today. A young lady appeared at our door today. Twice she came. The second time bringing two children with her. We talked as they enjoyed the hot food that was set before them. She shared her problems, looking at us with eyes that have seen and known things many of us could not imagine. Before we sent them on their way she looked at me and in broken English and said “God has made your heart smart.” Here you would use smart to describe someone who is dressed nicely, to describe something that looks pretty. Somehow I didn’t think “thank-you” was the proper reply. That is something I could never take credit for. I tried to explain that Jesus could do the same for her. He is in the business of taking lives that know no comfort except for the bottle tipped to their lips and radically changing them! Jesus alone can take dull hearts beating only for destruction and breathe life into them. We ask that you will join us in prayer for this soul and her family. He is able!!
We have now been here for nearly 2 months. Can’t believe it, God is good! Lately we have had some really great conversations with hearts that are beating with the same passion as we have ...A passion to know our great God and serve Him with our whole lives. We have been doing some serious dreaming. Thinking about the future and discussing what it might hold. We ask that you join us in prayer as we move forward into what the Lord has for us here.
Last Saturday was so great! We both fell in bed exhausted but smiling. We were able to feed around 60 children. They are saying we can count on at least double this Saturday! We are so excited about the new relationships that God is forming with those sweet kiddos. The floor in the building where we meet is dirt… let me tell you, the dust can REALLY get to rolling! A step outside is required every once and awhile for breathing purposes! Haha At first all the response we get is shy smiles but it doesn’t take long before they are laughing and encouraging us in our limited Swahili. We had great fun talking and playing with them. They are all ages.. toddlers to teenagers. We are so excited to see where God is going take this. It is His. May His will be done!
Thank you for all your interest and prayers! In the words of Jonathon Edwards, “May God stamp eternity on our eyeballs.” This life is a vapor.. it is quickly passing. Let’s make it count for the Glory of God. May His grace not be in vain in our lives!! Onward and Upward!!!!!
I was drawn to think upon this as I rolled over in my mind a statement that was made today. A young lady appeared at our door today. Twice she came. The second time bringing two children with her. We talked as they enjoyed the hot food that was set before them. She shared her problems, looking at us with eyes that have seen and known things many of us could not imagine. Before we sent them on their way she looked at me and in broken English and said “God has made your heart smart.” Here you would use smart to describe someone who is dressed nicely, to describe something that looks pretty. Somehow I didn’t think “thank-you” was the proper reply. That is something I could never take credit for. I tried to explain that Jesus could do the same for her. He is in the business of taking lives that know no comfort except for the bottle tipped to their lips and radically changing them! Jesus alone can take dull hearts beating only for destruction and breathe life into them. We ask that you will join us in prayer for this soul and her family. He is able!!
We have now been here for nearly 2 months. Can’t believe it, God is good! Lately we have had some really great conversations with hearts that are beating with the same passion as we have ...A passion to know our great God and serve Him with our whole lives. We have been doing some serious dreaming. Thinking about the future and discussing what it might hold. We ask that you join us in prayer as we move forward into what the Lord has for us here.
Last Saturday was so great! We both fell in bed exhausted but smiling. We were able to feed around 60 children. They are saying we can count on at least double this Saturday! We are so excited about the new relationships that God is forming with those sweet kiddos. The floor in the building where we meet is dirt… let me tell you, the dust can REALLY get to rolling! A step outside is required every once and awhile for breathing purposes! Haha At first all the response we get is shy smiles but it doesn’t take long before they are laughing and encouraging us in our limited Swahili. We had great fun talking and playing with them. They are all ages.. toddlers to teenagers. We are so excited to see where God is going take this. It is His. May His will be done!
Thank you for all your interest and prayers! In the words of Jonathon Edwards, “May God stamp eternity on our eyeballs.” This life is a vapor.. it is quickly passing. Let’s make it count for the Glory of God. May His grace not be in vain in our lives!! Onward and Upward!!!!!
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