Friday, August 2, 2013

We have been freed from the shackels of sin in which satan had us bound. They have fallen away. We are FREE! So often I get so caught up in celebration of my freedom I forget the price that was paid.  I forget God's only Son being crushed by the Fathers holy wrath for the payment of my debt. He became a curse so that my lips could declare "I am blessed."  Wow... If only I had a clearer picture of the One who gave ALL.
I was reading a magazine the other day and I read this quote and it really struck me, "Why do you think every tear will be wiped away? Is it not because many of us will realize how little we gave to the Savior who gave all?" Now, I certainly don't know every thought behind that particular passage in Revelations; however, I do think there is something to learn from that quote. Oh that we would all have a greater view of our God!  All to often I place way to high of a price on my safety and well being... trying to preserve my life. Only when my eyes are on Him and His Spirit is reigning in me can I gladly fling away my life for His use.  Everyday we remain on this earth I pray we are able to discover more of GOD.  Our journey into the endless frontier of Him has only begun... However, we eagerly await what this path will hold because it will mean MORE of Christ!!!
"Quicken me to obedience, dear Master. Give me a bondservant's ear to Thy every utterance. I delight to do Thy will. Make my feet like hind's feet, that I may prance upon Thy most difficult mountain heights. May I not shudder before Thy commission, oh Heavenly Father, may I not hesitate when Thou beckon me to go. Thou hast given me new life, and I pray that Thou art perfumed with my deepest honor." - Eric Ludy

25 days! Cant believe it :) God is so amazing! We would never have dreamed we could be so priviledged. May He receive all of the glory!!!!

The other night we were blessed to be able to share about this journey at our church.  People were wondering about sending us money.  We will be able to receive money in Kenya via MoneyGram.  It can be done at CVS, Walmart, Meijer ect. We have only ever used CVS so I will tell you how it works there. Next to the picture booths there is a red phone. You will arrange all of the details on it. They are very good at walking you through it, but I will emphasize a few details. They will ask you where you want to send it say "Kenya." (If they ask for the city it is Nairobi.) They will ask who you are sending it to... you can use either Chami LuAnne Ayres or Holly Ann Peters.  (Note: make sure that they are clear on the name spelling! It is never fun to get to the desk to pay and realize you need to start all over.)  They will ask whether we will have an I.D. when we pick it up... Yes, we will! Once you are done on the phone just go to the counter and they will take the money from you.  On your copy of the receipt will be a code that we have to have when we go to get the money in Kenya.... so you need to send it to us. You can text it to us or send it via Facebook or email. We will post our phone number when we get one. Our email: 
If you are thinking it seems a bit sketchy be at ease... we have used it many times :)

Thank you for all of your prayers, love, and support. We are very grateful to you our brothers and sisters in the Lord!

Hebrews 13:11-13 "For those bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp.  Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore, let us go forth to Him, outside of the camp, bearing His reproach."


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