Monday, November 25, 2013

Unworthy Servants

As I was sitting in church half listening to the sermon in Swahili, I was skimming through Luke when I came across these verses which I never really noticed before.
“Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? Will he not rather say to him, prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” Luke 17:7-10
We are unworthy servants. Oh we are truly unworthy servants who are only doing what is our duty. We deserve no honor or praise or thank you’s or good job’s. The King of kings and Lord of Lords, the Most High God, the Holy, Holy, Holy One, the Creator of the world, the Redeemer of the world, has asked us to be His servant…and not only that but His child. He treats as His children. Oh how we are unworthy…
 Sometimes it hits us that we are in Africa. We are so privileged to be here. We are unworthy to be the vessels of Jesus in such a place. And we love every bit of it J The feeding program is growing weekly; this week we had around 180 precious little kiddos filling the benches and stirring up the dirt. We pray that the Truth may be grounded in them and that they may know the Lover of their souls personally. We were very thankful one of the guys translated the devotional this week on their heavenly Father, since most of the younger ones can’t understand deep English yet.
When we come home from the feeding on Saturdays or when we are standing in the kitchen in the morning we can count on being greeted by a kid or 2 or 5, popping up in the window or peeping through the flap in the door :)The kiddos that come over everyday are really becoming just like family. These kids are so precious and bring so much joy to our lives... Juma’s enthusiasm and determination to clean, dancing around with the “rasta man”… aka the mop; Boaz’s sweet smile and ability to see through the cards when playing match…he always wins; Felix’s bold, sassy personality and smile that lights up the room; Emmanuel’s dimples and grand sense of humor; Jane’s big brown eyes and talking to us in Swahili completely confident we understand every word she is saying; Wycliffe walking in and greeting us with a great big hug J They keep our house lively and full. We glimpse our Father's joy, beauty, and who He is through these kiddos. They are such a gift and we love them to pieces!!! And we love you all too and thank the Lord for you! Thinking of each of you and how you all have blessed us in different ways. Press forward and seek Him!

Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fried Apple Pie

Note to self… Don’t leave sweets to cool in front of the open window.  We have a little boy full of personality that lights up our house nearly every day.  It is not uncommon to hear his name being called at regular intervals.  Usually it is because he is doing something he shouldn’t.  He whirls around his eyes wide as saucers and scurries away.  Yesterday we were sending the kids home and all the sudden it was realized that the last fried apple pie was missing… so Chami goes running out the door just in time to see our mischievous friend running like the wind up the lane frantically stuffing his prize in his pocket.  We got a good laugh over that one.  
We have so much to rejoice and be thankful for.  We just purchased food for the second month of Saturday feedings.  The word seems to be spreading and the numbers seem to be growing.  Last week we counted 155 kids.  That is a lot of rice and beans. We are so grateful for our brothers and sisters here who are willing and eager to help out.  We take turns teaching a devotion.. then we try to play some games then we feed them.  We don’t simply want to be filling their bellies.  Full bellies won’t save a soul from hell.  It is our desire that Christ be proclaimed.  We pray the Holy Spirit would be working in their hearts to awaken them to grace, salvation, and love that can only be found in Jesus Christ.  He deserves to have their lives, their praises.  Oh that they would be established upon The Rock where nothing can shake them.  Please pray that the gospel would be lived, proclaimed, and believed here in Kibera.  In 1 Thesselonians 1:5 it says, “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit..”  When we share the gospel it must be more than just words.  Man’s words have no weight..  the Holy Spirit must be manifested in and through us.. He has to meet us in power.  Only He knows how to preach the gospel rightly.  Our job?! Be a vessel. Be a soul willing to be sanctified and filled.  Be a mouth willing to be used.  Be a life willing to look the fool and be used for the glory of God!! 
Most schools are now out for the remainder of the year.  Our afternoons are full of noise, laughter and life.  It is sweet.. and messy.. and loud… and Worth it!! Some of the older children come in carrying their baby siblings.   They look at us with wide eyes as they cling tightly to the one they know.  Sometimes stories are shared with us that cause us to sit, silent, no words left to say.  Life for a youngster here involves things that some adults in the U.S. have never had to deal with.  The responsibilities and burdens they bear are often much more than we think such small shoulders can carry.  We are continually thankful for our Father.  He knows.. He can fix.. He can heal.  Praise be to His name.
Continue to pray brothers and sisters! And may the Lord be exalted through your lives as you serve Him with your all.
“….that in ALL things He may have preeminence.” Colossians 1:18
boiling the bean stew

The crew